A Message from Dr Derek Mahony
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Dr. Derek Mahony
Specialist Orthodontist
BDS (Syd), MScOrth (Lon), DOrthRCS (Edin), MDOrthRCPS (Glas), MOrthRCS (Eng), FRCD (Can), MOrth RCS (Edin), FICD, IBO, FACD, FICCDE, FIADFE, FPFA, Grad Dip Dental Sleep Medicine (WA), Grad Dip Ortho (Lon),FDSM, MBA (Wharton), Grad Dip (Clear Aligner), Grad Dip ( Dental Sleep Medicine),MSc Clear Aligner Therapy (Lon)
Derek Mahony is a world renowned Specialist Orthodontist who has spoken to thousands of practitioners about the benefits of interceptive orthodontic treatment.
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (University of Sydney)
Diploma in Practice Management (University of New England)
Master of Science in Orthodontics (University of London)
Diploma in Orthodontics (Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh)
Membership in Dentofacial Orthopaedics (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow)
Membership in Orthodontics (Royal College of Surgeons in England)
Membership in Orthodontics (Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh)
Fellow in Orthodontics (Royal College of Dentists, Canada)
Graduate Diploma in Dental Sleep Medicine (University of WA)
Graduate Diploma in Orthodontics (City of London Dental School)
Graduate Diploma in Dental Sleep Medicine (City of London Dental School)
Graduate Diploma in Clear Aligner Therapy (City of London Dental School)
Mater's Degree in Clear Aligner Therapy (City of London Dental School)
Diplomate of the International Board of Orthodontics
On the Specialist list, in Orthodontics, with the General Dental Council in United Kingdom
Specialist Orthodontist on the Medical and Dental Board of Vanuatu
Specialist Member of the Brazilian Orthodontic Society based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Registered Specialist, in Orthodontics, in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland Dental Boards​
Visiting Professor of Orthodontics for the City of London Dental School​
External examiner at the Queens Institute of Dental Science.
Derek Mahony is a world renowned Specialist Orthodontist who has spoken to thousands of practitioners about the benefits of interceptive orthodontic treatment. Early in his career Dr Mahony learned from leading clinicians the dramatic effect functional appliance therapy can afford patients in orthodontic treatment. He has been combining the fixed and functional appliance approach ever since. His lectures are based on the positive impact such a combined treatment approach has had on his orthodontic results and the benefits this philosophy provides from a practice management viewpoint.
After completing his Dental Degree at the University of Sydney Dr Mahony proceeded to the United Kingdom where he completed his Masters Degree in Orthodontics at the Eastman Dental Hospital, Institute of Dental Surgery, London.
Further studies led to the successful completion of a Diploma in Orthodontics at the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Dr. Mahony has also passed the Royal College of Dentists in Canada post graduate examination in the field of orthodontics.
Dr Mahony has passed examinations leading to a postgraduate qualification in Dentofacial Orthopaedics from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow. He has also attained his Membership in Orthodontics qualification from the Royal College of Surgeons, England.
Dr Mahony has been seeing an average of 250 patients per week for the last decade and has gained a vast amount of experience which he can pass on to clinicians so that they can come to appreciate the key elements of his combined treatment approach. He currently has over 3000 orthodontic patients in active treatment and has been a key note speaker at the International Orthodontic Summit meetings, the International Association of Orthodontics meetings, and the American Association of Functional Orthodontics meetings. He is considered by some to be the “next leading lecturer on functional/fixed orthodontics.”
Dr Mahony approaches his orthodontic diagnosis from a “facial profile” point of view. He sets his treatment goals to create not just straight teeth, but beautiful faces and healthy temporomandibular joints.
Dr Mahony is a contributing editor to the Journal of Clinical Paediatric Dentistry, International Orthodontic Journal and Spanish Journal of Dentofacial Orthopaedics.
Member of the Working Group of the Standing Committee on Research and Education
Member of the Advisory Honorary Board of the Dental Students Research Journal
Member of the editor board of the International Journal of Oral Health Research and Review
Reviewer for Subject – Orthodontics: International Journal of Scientific Study (IJSS)
Consultant of the Journal of Digital Orthodontics
2 X 4 Mechanics
Adult Orthodontics
Advanced Light Wire Functionals (ALF)
Aesthetic Brackets
Air Rotor Stripping
Airway and its relationship to malocclusion
Arch wire Technology
Bi Dental Protrusion
Bimler Appliance
Biology of Tooth Movement
Bonding to Porcelain
Case Finishing and Detailing
Class I Crowding
Class III
Cleft Palate
Control of the high Angle Malocclusion
Creating New Bone using Orthodontic Principles
Crossbite Correction
Distalisation of Molars
Distraction Osteogenesis
Division 2 Problems
Extrusion of Traumatised Teeth
Facial Profiles
Fixed Functionals
Frankel Appliance
Functional Appliances
Gummy Smiles
Hypoplastic First Molars
Impacted Canines
Impactions between the 6s and the Es
Implants in Orthodontics
Indirect Bonding
Lingual Orthodontics
Lip Bumpers
Mandibular Development
Maxillary arch Development
Missing Premolars
Myofunctional Therapy
Neuromuscular Concepts in Orthodontics
Nickel Allergies​
“Orthodontic Software for Diagnosis, Marketing and Practice Management”
Orthognathic Surgery
Palatal Arches
Periodontics and Orthodontics
Retention and Retainer Design
Reverse Pull Facemasks
Root Resorption
Second Molar Replacement Therapy
Snoring and Sleep Aponea
Stability in Orthodontics
The Smile Line
Thumb Sucking Habits
TMJ Case Finishing
Tongue Thrust
Torque Problems
Treating Cases with Missing Incisors
Treatment of the over closed vertical dimension
Twin Block Appliance Therapy
Uprighting Molars
Utility Arches
Wisdom Teeth and their role in Orthodontics