A Message from Dr Derek Mahony - January 2021
We were not able to update these pages last year due to all my presentations being cancelled/ changed to online, and the international travel bans put in place due to COVID. For more information on how and when I am lecturing online, visit eodo.teachable.com. I will be back to lecturing internationally as soon as possible and I am keen to tick off more places on the globe where orthodontics can be taught!
Global Testimonials

Invited Keynote Speaker in 120 Countries
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
New Zealand
North Macedonia
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States of America

Dr. Robin Abari, USA Specialist Orthodontist
“I have known Dr. Mahony for 6 years. He is one of the most gifted and talented speakers on Orthodontics in the world. I have learned a lot from him and had the pleasure to lecture with him also, Any dentist doing orthodontics who wants to be at the cutting edge of orthodontics should attend one Dr. Mahony’s seminars.”

Dr. Amal Alkebsi, Yemen
Assistant Lecturer, Sana’a University
“It was my great pleasure to attend Dr. Mahony’s lectures. Dr. Mahony has totally changed my way of thinking and for the first time I feel that I understand orthodontics! I really admire Dr. Mahony’s new visions and I completely believe in his new orthodontic philosophy. He is my role model!”

Dr. Abed Aktam Anjrini, Syria
“Dr.Mahony has provided valuable knowledge and inspiration to orthodontists all over the world through his lectures and has proved himself to be not only a great orthodontist but a great teacher as well; However what makes him truly unique is the time, personal attention and encouragement he gives everyone.”

Prof. Jose Duran von Arx, Spain
Head of the Department of Orthodontics of the University of Barcelona, Director of the Orthodontic World Institute of Barcelona, Director of the Orthodontic Department at the Children’s Hospital of Barcelona
“Dr. Derek Mahony is, in my opinion, one of the professionals in orthodontics that has contributed more to the development of the speciality, than most. His deep knowledge, in different areas of orthodontics, makes his CE courses sort after around the world. His students learn easily and his participation in Spain was a great success.”

Dr Vijay Baswa (BDS, MDSc), Kuwait
Specialist Orthodontist
“Dr. Derek is one of the best speakers in Orthodontics right now. He takes a keen interest in the understanding of the concept by everyone who is attending his lecture, however, complex the topic by making it simple and by the use of all media, surely makes him an inspirational teacher! He makes complete impact on you by his sincere and personal attention and would change your orthodontic philosophy in a day! I have learned a lot from him and had the pleasure to lecture with him too.”

Dr. Merle Bean, USA
Paediatric Dentist
“Dr Mahony is one of the few specialist orthodontists who understand the benefit of early orthopaedic treatment and is able to maintain this skeletal correction as he finishes cases with the latest straight wire techniques”.

Dr Mohsin Bhuiyan (MD), Bangladesh
Specialist Orthodontist”
“I was looking for a world-renowned orthodontic speaker and at last I heard Dr. Mahony’s name from an Indonesian colleague. It was my good fortune to attend Dr. Mahony’s lecture and to meet him in Dubai in 2010. Dr. Mahony is a highly qualified orthodontist who has comprehensive, multidisciplinary and up-to-the-minute knowledge of orthodontics. I believe that after taking his course, orthodontists can easily incorporate his principles in their daily practice and get excellent results.”

Dr. Peter Borbély, Hungary
President of the Hungarian Orthodontic Society
“Dr. Derek Mahony is a unique man, he is the kind of person you don’t forget once you’ve met him. His insightfulness and original ideas always make it a pleasure to be in his company. He has an extensive knowledge and understanding of his field. He is also great at organizing events and he has excellent people skills. His memory is quite impressive, I was astonished by the way he can quote from articles word-for-word.”

Dr. John Burford (ED, BDS), New Zealand
President of the New Zealand Functional Orthodontic Association
“I have known Derek Mahony for many years and I admire him for his enthusiasm for and knowledge of orthodontics. Derek has a mind that is always looking for an improvement over that procedure he finished yesterday. His power of lateral thinking associated with his in depth understanding of the total range of orthodontic procedures make Derek’s seminars an essential part of continuing orthodontic education. I commend his courses to every dentist who includes orthodontics in his professional skills.”

Dr. Claudia Rodrigues, Brazil
“I have been studying in the mini residency for over one year and I am happy to recommend it to any Doctor, since it has been so useful and the lectures are exceptionally well delivered. Dr Derek is certainly one of the best lecturers I have met, and I find it extremely enjoyable learning with him. I also admire him as a person knowing about so many voluntary works, including helping people in Vanuatu. He is definitely the best orthodontist I know, and his knowledge is well known and well received by so many people in so many different countries.”

Dr. Rami Chayah (DMD), Lebanon
“When you talk about orthodontics, you can’t but mention Dr Mahony; he is on top of his game”

Dr Ulziikhishig Chimeddawaa (DDS), Mongolia
Head of Orthodontic Department, School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Mongolia
“I truly admire Dr. Mahony. I really appreciate him for coming to Mongolia and giving his lectures. I feel that the investments of time and knowledge that he is making are invaluable to me and other orthodontists too. He is a great orthodontist and has become a great person as well because of the help he has given to others. I have been inspired by him to become not only a good orthodontist, but also a person who can help others, as he has. He has become my professional “role model” in the field.”

Dr. Tarek El-Bialy (BDS, MSc (Ortho), LLP, MSc OSci, Ortho
Cert., PhD, FRCD(C) Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics Associate), Canada
Professor of Orthodontics and Biomedical Engineering University of Alberta, Edmonton
“I am an orthodontist, educator and researcher, working in private practice who provides orthodontics for adults and children, and I’m teaching worldwide new concepts in Orthodontics have done so for the last 22 years. I have attended Derek’s courses that helped broaden my orthodontic knowledge and helped me looking at my patients from different prospective. As an educator, I strongly believe that Derek’s presentations are academically of very high quality, the material he presented is supported by contemporary research, in addition his interesting way of presentation.”

Dr. Irena Gavrilovic, (MSc), Macedonia
Specialist Orthodontist, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Dental Clinical Center – Department of Orthodontics, Skopje
“I have had the opportunity to take part in Dr. Derek Mahony’s lectures. I really appreciated his coming to Skopje to attend the Second Congress of the Macedonian Orthodontic Society. He is a very dedicated teacher who shares his orthodontic knowledge and clinical practice, and is always ready to give solutions to any questions. You can listen to his lectures without ever needing a break, because he is opening your eyes to a new way of seeing orthodontics. I think every orthodontist should attend a lecture by Dr. Derek Mahony, and I hope to attend more of his lectures in the future.”

Dr Livia de Haan, Brazil
Paediatric dentist and orthodontist
“I have known Derek Mahony for many years and have attended some of his lectures and courses. Derek is one of the best speakers/lecturers I have come across over the years. He is highly knowledgeable and has great clinical experience which makes his courses/lectures extremely useful to the practice of orthodontics.”

Dr Maravdorj Khosbayar (MSD, D.D.S), Mongolia
School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Mongolia
“It was a great pleasure and honour to listen to Dr. Mahony during his lectures in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in 2010. I truly enjoyed his lecture. I am very impressed by the attention and support he gave to our department and the textbooks he donated to improve the curriculum of the orthodontic department. I think he is one of the greatest and kindest of the famous dental professionals. I hope Dr. Mahony continues to instruct and teach from his great depth of orthodontic knowledge and skill.”

Dr. Svetlana Lemtyugina, Russia
“Dr. Mahony is an amazing and knowledgeable expert in Orthodontics. When I attended one of his talks in Prague during the 2009 IOS Conference, I found his stuff about philosophy in Orthodontics really unique and interesting. It opened up my mind into things that I didn’t expect and I am now using some of his knowledge in my workplace. Look forward to attend his course again. Thank you.”

George Meredith (MD), USA.
Otolaryngologist; Author of Your Child’s Airway and Dentofacial Development
“Dr Derek Mahony and I “went to different schools together”. We are both dedicated to achieving the twelve tooth smile, aesthetically pleasing facial proportions and normal upper airways. And achieving same, as early as possible. And doing so through non extraction orthodontics and appropriate, early dentofacial orthopedics. And through safe, corrective upper airway surgery (when a meaningful risk/benefit analysis so dictates.)Derek Mahony is one of Australia’s national treasures!”

Dr. Christoph Moschik, Austria
“I had the pleasure to join Dr. Mahony as a student in his Sydney clinic for a couple of months in 2009. Besides attending his fascinating lectures, he greatly influenced my decision to become an orthodontist by showing me what this field is all about and passing on some of his passion. He is really has an outstanding personality and is extraordinarily brilliant in communicating orthodontics. Lucky, who ever has the chance to study with him.”

Dr. Farayi Moyana BDS; MPH (SA); B.ED (Adult) (UZ); MBA
(ZOU); PGdpDent (ORTHO)(Pret.), Zimbabwe
Dental Surgeon & Orthodontist
“I am a Zimbabwean General dental practitioner with a special interest in orthodontics and am already providing limited fixed orthodontic treatment. I attended Dr Mahony’s lectures on home soil and found him to be highly experienced, competent and motivating. When you are listening to him, it is like you are holding the future of orthodontics in your hands. He is an accomplished communicator, always involving his audiences in a two way communication process. Above all I found him to be highly adaptive – he can modify his content and style to suit the audience. He is innovative and widely read, but still exhibits enormous humbleness and warmth.”

Dr. Darick Nordstrom (DDS), USA
Developer of the ALF Appliance
“I am very excited about all the work Derek has done to popularize and train doctors in functional jaw orthopaedics. He is truly the best instructor/lecturer.”

Dr. Alexandru Ogodescu (M.D., Spec.Orthodontics, PhD), Romania
Ass.Prof., Department of Paedodontics-Orthodontics, School of Dentistry Timisoara
“Dr. Derek Mahony is a passionate specialist in orthodontics, a very good clinician that succeds with his youth and enthusiasm to convey his passion. In the orthodontic treatment of adults he is a magician. His courses about self-ligating brackets were my best steps in this area. I enjoyed his lecture and he is for me a model in teaching orthodontics.”

Natalka Plyushcheva, Ukraine
“Derek is talented, successful and famous. In the same way there are must-see places in the world, every orthodontist should attend a lecture by Derek Mahony. You will be impressed; not only at his encyclopaedic knowledge of orthodontics, but his outstanding teaching skills and his insights will leave you with a greater understanding of our field. Add to this an open mind and energetic personality, and you begin to appreciate what an asset he is to our industry.”

Dr. Jan V. Raiman, Hannover/Germany
Specialist Orthodontist; Head of International Orthodontic Symposium in Prague (www.orthodontics-ios.eu)
“I have had the chance to encounter Dr. Mahony on several orthodontic occasions throughout the past ten years. He left a lasting impression with his key note lecture at IOS Prague.
Thank you Derek and we, from the IOS scientific board, hope to see you again on our annual symposium in Prague!”

Dr. German Ramirez-Yanez, Canada
Specialist Orthodontist; Assistant Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Manitoba
“Derek is a highly qualified Orthodontist and one of the few specialists giving his patients the benefit of early treatment. With regards to malocclusions, he understands that prevention is possible at early ages. I truly enjoyed his lecture.”

Dr. Martin Reyes (DMD, MSD), Manila, Philippines
Specialist Orthodontist; Editor of the Philippine Journal of Orthodontics; Secretary of the Phillipine Orthodontic Association
“Listing to Dr. Mahony for the first time in an Orthodontic Regional Conference in Boracay, Philippines, was indeed a privilege. He is a very articulate speaker and manages to involve the audience in the analysis of cases. He even called on me and I was surprised to find out that for him, there are no wrong answers. I managed to apply some of his techniques in my private practice and I must say it really helped. He truly has passion for orthodontics. He is also very generous in providing our local journal with articles of some of his clinical cases.”

Dr. Robert Ricketts (DDS, MS), USA
Cofounder of Bioprogressive Therapy
“Derek has taken the wide variety of “functional” modalities to a new level. Clinicians seeking the application of these techniques would do well to follow his courses”.

Dr. Khaled Moussa Shahin (DDS), Egypt/Australia
“You are an excellent teacher and thank you for opening our eyes to different and more comprehensive, holistic orthodontics.”

Dr. Joe Sim, USA
Paediatric dentist, professor and chairman of the orthodontic and paediatric departments of Southern Illinois University’s School of Dentistry
“Dr Mahony is one of a kind. His ability to teach orthodontics, in particular, his skill in breaking down complex problems into simple solutions is second to none. His contributions to the International Association of Orthodontics, in particular the Instructors Institute, and the tier advancement structure, have added great depth to orthodontic education.”

Dr. Terry Spahl (BS, DDS), USA
Developer of the SSV Appliance System, Certified Snr. IAO Instructor
“Derek is truly a great Orthodontist and teacher. He will motivate you and educate you in the latest methods, modern appliances and brackets. This will make your life easier and your patients smiles more attractive”.

Nikolaos Theodoropoulos (DDS), Greece
“I’ve only met Dr Mahony online, but I could immediately recognise his intelligence, the breadth of his knowledge and his passion to share it. Orthodontics is more than just teeth movement and straight smiles, and Dr Mahony truly understands this. Follow him to learn how to treat humans and not just teeth.”

Dr Celiana Toti (DMD, MSC, PHD), Albania
Lecturer in Orhodontic’s Departament, University Dental Clinic, Faculty of Medicine,Tirana
“It was an honour for me to meet Dr.Mahony and to attend his lecture. It was like a book designed to give us a straightforward, comprehensive update in Orthodontics. His way of explaining things, his great experience, and vast knowledge, makes him one of today’s leading authorities in Orthodontics.”

Dr. Skip Truitt (BS, DDS), USA
Certified Snr. IAO Instructor
“Dr. Mahony is a Specialist Orthodontist who understands the benefits of early interceptive orthodontic treatment and employs these principles in his practice philosophy.”

Dr Karolina Kaczor-Urbanowicz (DDS, MD), Poland
University Institute of Health Care in Warsaw
“I am very pleased that I have been given the opportunity to take part in Dr Derek Mahony’s lectures in Warsaw. He has far exceeded my expectations about the possible finishing of the treatment of difficult orthodontic cases. I have felt compelled to offer the highest form of accolade for his knowledge and his keen understanding of revolutionary orthodontic treatment. He truly takes pride in the work he does.“

Dr Uday Kumar Umesan (BDS, MDS (Ortho , MOrthRCSEd, FICD, FWFO, FRSM, FPFA, FRSH), Brunei
Department of Dental Services, National Dental Centre (NDC), Brunei Darussalam
“I’ve had the opportunity to attend a couple of Dr. Derek’s presentations. My sincere thanks are due to him for being so generous with his time and ideas that have definitely helped give greater depth and perspective while reviewing my available patient treatment options. His ‘functional philosophy’ that aims to recognize and intercept developing malocclusions very early is the vital KEY to attaining excellent results. The true professional that he is, I readily subscribe to his ideology that in order to deliver consistent quality treatment for our patients, it is important to seek support from our sister specialties whenever appropriate. I really appreciate the dynamism and enthusiasm he exudes as an educator and look forward to an opportunity to attend more presentations in future!“

Professor George White, USA
Head of Paediatric Department, Tufts University, Boston
“Dr Mahony is a very skilled clinician, who has the ability to teach others to be the same. We were very fortunate to have him lecture to our post graduate students”.

Dr Chandra Wigati , Indonesia
Specialist Orthodontist
“Dr. Mahony is a very devoted and qualified orthodontist. During his visits to Indonesia , I have attended most of his lectures. I saw that he is a very dedicated teacher who is very generous in sharing his knowledge. He is even willing to answer questions from other orthodontists about their difficult cases, which was very helpful for me.”

Dr. John Witzig (DDS), USA
Head of Paediatric Department, Tufts University, Boston
“Dr. Mahony is one of a kind and I would recommend that you do not miss him for the world. He produces excellent results for his patients. You will acquire a huge amount of knowledge and skills that you can use in your office the next day”.

Dr Barbara Wyszomirska, Poland
Specialist Orthodontist; President of the Warsaw Chapter of the Polish Orthodontic Society
“It was a great pleasure and honor to listen to dr Mahony during the course in Warsaw, Poland. Dr Mahony presents comprehensive and extremely wide orthodontic knowledge which makes him both a great teacher and speaker.”

Prof. V. Moutaftchiev, Bulgaria
President of the Bulgarian Orthodontic Association
“I know Dr Mahony since 2003 when he was a guest lecturer of Bulgarian Orthodontic Society in Sofia. Recently I listened to his precongress course at an international orthodontic congress in Skopje. Dr Mahony is a lecturer with broad information and very useful for the practicing orthodontists. He doesn’t miss any novelties in orthodontics and accordingly enriches his lectures. I am surprised by his incredible activity as a lecturer. How does he find the time for both clinical activity and preparation of his lectures. Dr Mahony offers a useful contemporary clinical experience. He presents summarized pragmatic approach towards up-to-date novelties in Orthodontics which is definitely beneficial for the colleagues orthodontists.”

Dr. Igbal Suleymanov, Azerbaijan
President Azerbaijanian Professional Orthodontic Society (APOC)
“For me was a great honour to organize the lecture of doctor Mahony in Azerbaijan. It is pleasant that a seminar of Doctor Mahony became finally possiblele so members of our orthodontic Society were able to familiarize with methods of orthodontic treatment of the functional school and he became the first representative from Australia not only in Azerbaijan but also all Caucasian region. As at a seminar doctors from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran and Turkey participated. Listeners received magnificent possibility to familiarize with the academic knowledge and to researches in the field of modern orthodontics such as “Early dentofacial orthopaedics” and “Non extraction orthodontics”. I wish to attend his lectures and see him again.”

Dr. Ivan Iliev, Specialist in Orthodontics
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
“My first meeting with Dr. Derek Mahony was 10 years ago in Belgrade where he held an extraordinary lecture. We welcomed Dr. Derek with great joy and expectations in our city as a lecturer and guest of the second International Macedonian Orthodontics Congress in Skopje . His orthodontic philosophy was conveyed in a highly inspiring, expert, and sincere way. It left deep traces in our future approach to orthodontic treatment. Dr Mahony’s teachings stand for a model in the present and contemporary field of excellent orthodontic treatment. He is a top quality orthodontist and superior person, to learn a lot from.”

Geoffrey Hall Specialist Orthodontist,
“Melbourne, Victoria Derek has a unique gift. He is able to teach difficult concepts and make it simple and logical. He has a great mind and exceptional knowledge base and fully researches all of his subjects. He then presents the materials in a very logical fashion-and shows all the positives, negatives, how to correct problems and how to implement it your practice. Derek’s lectures are world class – you leave there really feeling confident that you have fully mastered the technique.”

Juan F. Yepes, Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Kentucky
“I have known Dr. Mahony for over 5 years. I attended his lectures during several conferences in Dubai. He is one of the best and talent speakers that I ever encounter in my life. His lectures are very well organized, clear, without bias and with an outstanding ability to transmit the main message. Beyond his well known abilities as speaker, Dr. Mahony is a great person with amazing talent to communicate with others.”

William J. Clarke, (B.D.S., D.D.O., D.D.Sc., F.D.S.R.C.S.Eng.), UK
Inventor of Twin Blocks and TransForce Appliances
“I have known Derek for many years since he started lecturing. Over the years Derek has matured and extended the scope of his teaching His continuing education courses give doctors a good grounding in orthodontic and functional techniques and cover a wider spectrum of topics, including management of sleep apnoea. Derek shares my passion for extending the boundaries of education beyond the limited objectives of orthodontics to address holistic aspects of functional orthopaedic therapy. I can highly recommend Derek’s courses.”

Dr Rabin Sivam, Consultant Orthodontist, MSc Lon, DOrth
RCS Edin, FDS RCS Eng, MOrth RCS Edin, MOrth RCS Edin.
Doha, Qatar
“I have known Derek as a close friend and a highly reputable and skilled colleague close to 20 years.He is a renowned international speaker to whom I’ve had the pleasure of attending several of his presentations which are in my opinion of the highest caliber. A highly skilled clinician and a talented speaker and educator Derek is indeed an asset to the Orthodontic community.”

Dr. Michel Champagne (dmd, magd, IBO, clinician, teacher, the editor of the International Journal of Orthodontics and the director of education of the International Dental Institute of Montreal.
Quebec, Canada
“I have know and seen Dr. Mahony in action since his beginnings and I can say without hesitation that he is one of the best lecturers of our century. Derek has greater knowledge than most clinicians and teachers and best of all, he has the quality to deliver his teaching in a simple and logical manner that helps opening our minds to new concepts. I think that I was, as many others, very lucky that our paths have crossed.”

Dr. Jorge Daniel Aguirre, Bolivian Orthodontist in private practice.
La Paz, Bolivia
“A great professional, but even greater person and friend. We had one of the best lectures on current topics in Orthodontics. As soon as you hear him talk, you can tell he is passionate about his profession. I originally met Derek in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and knew that Bolivian orthodontists would benefit from his knowledge. I kept bugging him till we scheduled a mini course in La Paz which was fantastic. Both students and orthodontists loved it. Thank you very much Derek.”